Born 1961, citizen of Portugal
Ph.D. (Animal Breeding and Genetics) - 1994 - Texas A&M University, USA
M.Sc. (Animal Breeding and Genetics) - 1990 - Texas A&M University, USA
D.V.M. - 1984 - Lisbon School of Veterinary Medicine, Portugal
Independent Breeding, Genetics, and Statistics Consultant - Iowa Genetics (headquartered in
Brazil) - August 2010-present
Shrimp Breeding Program Director - PaLangosta (Panama), since June 2016; UniFinca
(Honduras), since November 2015; Larvas El Dorado/Tres Socios (Sonora, Mexico), since April
2015; Belize Aquaculture/BAL (Belize), from April 2015 to August 2017; CAMACO (Panama),
from August 2013 to January 2017; Songa/Expalsa (Ecuador), since December 2012; PrimaGen
(Indonesia), since April 2011; and Texcumar (Ecuador), since January 2011
Shrimp Breeding Program Geneticist- Aquatec/Genearch (Brazil)- 2006-present
Shrimp Breeding Program Genetics Consultant - Short-term consultancies: with Cargill
(Mexico); with shrimp breeding companies in Mexico (Grupo GAM); in Venezuela (Grupo
Lamar), Peru (MarinAzul), the Philippines (FeedMix); Panama (CAMACO); the United
States (Primo Broodstock); and Ecuador (IMEGESA, and Songa/Expalsa); and with the Sun
Yat-Sen University of Guangzhou, China; and the Federal University of S. Carlos, S.P.,
Brazil. Long-term consultancy: Integrated Aquaculture International (IAI - Brunei and Kona
Bay, Hawaii, U.S.A.) - 2006-2010
Shrimp Breeding Program Geneticist - Sygen/SyAqua (Hawaii, Mexico, Brazil, and Thailand)
- 2002-2006
Experiences with beef and dairy cattle, and hybrid corn genetic improvement programs, mouse
genetics, and genetic marker applications in breeding programs - 1988-2002
Private Veterinarian practice and Public Animal Health Control in Cattle National Breed
Association (Arouquesa) - Portugal - 1997-1999
State Veterinarian - Transkei, Republic of South Africa - 1984-1986
Authored or co-authored 21 peer-reviewed manuscripts, 1 key-note address, 3 book-chapters, 54
Conference papers, abstracts and posters, 31 non-peer-reviewed manuscripts, and 94 corporate
technical reports
Presented 161 oral contributions at Scientific Meetings and other professional gatherings
Was the Sole Lecturer of a full week’s Course/Workshop on Shrimp Genetic Improvement
prepared by and for the Iranian Fisheries Research Organization (IFRO), Bushehr, Iran, January
Developed comprehensive long term Breeding Plans for an Iranian National Shrimp Breeding
and Genetics Program, as commissioned by the Iranian Fisheries Research Organization
(IFRO), Tehran and Bushehr, Iran, November 2015
Developed a Strategic Vision for Shrimp Breeding in China as commissioned by the Sun Yat-Sen
and Shanghai Universities of Guangzhou and Shanghai, China, July 2016